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My SCA resume is a living document which I maintain on Google.  Please follow the link to view it (opens in a new window; a Google account is not required).

I'm a court herald, poet, storyteller, singer, actor, wordsmith, bead-maker, stone-carver, illuminator, heavy fighter and archer.  I teach classes, I judge competitions, and I've helped to create judging forms for my Kingdom.  I steward events and I sit gate.


I am a Courtier Alumnus of Lions Gate; Laurel to Laird James Irvein; and sponsor to Courtier-Applicant Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh as she prepares for her Trials.  I am also a Shareholder in the An Tir Plaiers and administer or co-administer several SCA-related social media spaces, including Bards of Tir Righ and Bards of An Tir.


I live and work - as a high school history teacher, in modern life - in the lovely Shire of Lionsdale, with my beautiful and talented wife and the youngest three of our four children, our oldest now living on his own nearby. 

About Me

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