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My Performance Repertoire

Being an account of the pieces I can have ready for performance

at a few moments'- to a few days' notice.


1. My Original Works (including filks)


Kvæði om Hâsæti-Stormur Drapa (genealogical poem)
Konung-kveði om Styrkarr (praise poem)
"Fame" (dróttkvætt stanza)

- “The Milch-Maid's Song” (sad filk)

- “Rapier Fighter” (funny filk)

- “My Cousin Ragnar's Boat” (funny/children's filk)

- “Mullah Nasruddin: Ahmed learns Responsibility” (teaching story)

- “Snorri's Last Request” (funny story)

- “Snorri Finds a Treasure” (funny story)*

- “Snorri and the Lost Ring” (funny story)*

- “Beowulf, accompanied by the Liar” (funny story, needs a partner)*

* these still need some work

- two sonnets in praise of Draco, the Lions Gate Lion

- "A Song for Malys" (duet; funny praise filk)

2. SCA- and “mediaevaloid” songs, poems, and stories


- “Savage Father”

- “Barrett's Privateers”
- “The Highwayman”

- “The Lady of Shallott”

- “The Brave and Bonny Host”
- “Woad”

- “A Grazing Mace”
- “Captain Kidd”
- “The Mermaid's Song”
- “I Will Go”

- “Volga Birthday Dirge”

- “The Berserker's Song”

- “Down at the Inn”


3. Period Pieces


- Robert Parsons' Ave Maria (Latin, with five- or six-voice consort)

- “Deor” (English with OE refrain)**
- “Moðir min i kvi kvi” (English story, Icelandic and/or English song, lyre accompaniment)**

- Beowulf (episodes or entire, as story)**

- Beowulf ll. 1-25 or 42 (English and OE)

- “Geirroð and Agnar” from Grimnismal (as story)

- “Be Thou My Vision” (English; need to find my Erse words)

- “The Three Ravens”

- “We Be Soldiers Three”

- “Bedlam Boys”

- “I Care not for these Ladies”

- Macbeth in Macbeth I.7 (plotting to kill Duncan; needs a partner)

- Macduff's “One fell swoop” speech in Macbeth (learning of his family's murder) and others

- Shylock's “Hath not a Jew eyes?” speech in The Merchant of Venice (taunting Antonio)

- Hamlet's “To be or not to be” speech in Hamlet (contemplating suicide)

- Romeo's “Did my heart love till now?” speech in Romeo and Juliet (meeting Juliet)

- Romeo's “But soft! What light” speech in Romeo and Juliet (below the balcony)

- Henry's “Crispin's Day” speech in Henry V (before Azincourt) - in OP

- Henry's “Once more unto the breach” speech in Henry V (before Harfleur)
- Chorus in Henry V  Act 1, Prologue ("O for a Muse of fire...") - in PDE, working on OP
- "Mullah Nasruddin: As Strong Today as When I was 12 Years Old" (Arabic story, in English)
- "Mullah Nasruddin: A Matter of Time" (Arabic story, in English)

- various Shakespeare sonnets (3 or 4)

- short passages from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (a few, mostly from the General Prologue)

- a few (2-3) other short Icelandic folk stories

** these have sometimes included lyre accompaniment


4. Dramatic Roles Played (mainly with An Tir Players)


- Sebastian in Twelfth Night 

Gremio in The Taming of the Shrew

- MacDuff in Macbeth

- Shylock in The Merchant of Venice (solo, "Hath not a Jew eyes?" speech)

- Antonio in Much Ado about Nothing

King in Henry V (with a partner, "St Crispin's Day" speech)
- Flute in A Midsummer Night's Dream (rehearsed, no public performance)

- Duke Senior and Duke Frederick in As You Like It 

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